Do you know the market for your products or services?
1. Yes, our sales department inform us about it daily.
2. Yes, we obtain information only when customers buy from us.
3. Yes, we try to use different information from different sources to attain knowledge about the market.
4. Yes, we do full market research on a regular and systematic basis.
Do you actively adapt your activities to your market conditions?
1. Yes, decisions are taken daily.
2. Yes, only if customers signal there is a need for decisions.
3. Yes, decisions are checked periodically with market observations .
4. Yes, there is a marketing strategy in place which is implemented and checked regularly with the help of action plans.
Where do you sell your products and services?
1. Regionally
2. Nationally
3. Internationally (but not Global)
4. Globally
Do you compare your products and services with the current requirements of the market?
1. No, we do not hold regular competitor analysis.
2. Yes, we investigate informally online.
3. Yes, we attend fairs and exhibitions and conduct informal analysis.
4. Yes, we use all possibilities of product comparison.
Do you know the expectations of your customers?
1. Yes, we have daily contact with them.
2. Yes, customer requests are managed ad hoc.
3. Yes, we research the development of consumer behaviour and include it in our planning.
4. Yes, we hold formal customer research activities in the product or service design process (e.g. with interviews).
How does your enterprise appear in public?
1. We don't do public relations since our customers know us.
2. From time to time we publish our enterprise and product information and receive customer’s feedback informally.
3. We publish information on our own web-site.
4. We do systematic public relations and our customers are actively and continuously included in product and service design.
How do you imagine co-operation in your enterprise?
1. As an exchange of experience.
2. As co-operation in depatments.
3. As a work community.
4. A a strategic guiding principle.
What significance does co-operation have for your enterprise?
1. We do not have any co-operation.
2. I am interested in co-operative relations.
3. Yes, I co-operate with regional enterprises.
4. Yes, I co-operate with enterprises nationwide and Europe wide.
Are foreign languages needed in your enterprise?
1. No, foreign languages are not required.
2. Maybe in the long term.
3. Yes, they are present, but would have to be improved.
4. Yes, absolutely necessary, the required competences are present.
Do you have any solid future development ideas?
1. No, long-term considerations are senseless.
2. The operative daily problems hardly make long-term considerations possible.
3. There are long-term considerations yes, however, they are not laid down in writing.
4. Yes, there are long-term considerations, and are laid down in writing.
Is there a system of entrepreneurial planning?
1. No, there is no such a system.
2. No, such a system shall/should be developed, however.
3. Yes, it is planned, but not continuously.
4. Yes, all important economic indicators are planned and their fulfilment is checked regularly.
Do you check the effectiveness of corporate actions?
1. No, our order situation is good.
2. Yes, a check is carried out based on economic indicators.
3. Yes, we check our actions on the basis of the economic indicators and customer response.
4. Yes, we check our actions on the basis of economic indicators, customer response and observations, how successful competitors act. We attempt to surpass them.
What is auditing for you?
1. That is a job for others.
2. A system of control.
3. Control instrument/Management tool.
4. Component of my corporate management.
Which instruments of audit do you mainly use?
1. None.
2. We use only spreadsheet analysis.
3. We have an accounting department.
4. As control and planning support.
How do you exchange information within the enterprise?
1. The managing director has all information.
2. The managing director passes relevant information on to his employees.
3. An internal information exchange is carried out as circumstances require.
4. We use the knowledge of all employees and organise a regular exchange.
How do you guarantee constant quality in your enterprise?
1. We do not have any quality problems.
2. We have a final check.
3. We have fixed processes.
4. We are certified according to a quality management system.
Do you know and use the competitive advantage of your products/services?
1. No, our products or services sell well.
2. No, the topic would be important, however.
3. Yes, we know why our products/services sell well. However our competitive advantage is not maintained systematically.
4. Yes, it was determined systematically. With concrete methods of market processing we work on maintaining and improving our competitive advantage.
Do you regularly change your products and services?
1. My product does not require any change.
2. This is rarely the case.
3. We adapt our products and services to the market requirements regularly.
4. We adapt our products and services to the market requirements systematically and conduct active productdevelopment.
Are you looking for new ideas?
1. My business is going on well.
2. If I discover them by chance, I pick them up.
3. I always look, what there is something new.
4. I am looking for new ideas regularly and systematically.
Are employees asked to think and told about the company future?
1. No, that is for the management.
2. Yes, the employees are informed regularly.
3. Yes, in selected areas employees are included in the development of aims and procedures.
4. Yes, aims and procedures are developed together with the employees.
What do you think about the working atmosphere?
1. The atmosphere among employees is not really good.
2. It is ok, the employees meet each other on a neutral and rational level.
3. Basically the cooperation is good but sometimes stress situations have a negative effect on the working atmosphere.
4. The atmosphere at work is good, the employees like to work together. Points at issue are discussed on a rational level, some employees are friends with each other and also spent their leisure time together.
Are staff appraisals regularly held?
1. No
2. Only in the problematic cases.
3. We try, however, they take place irregularly.
4. Staff appraisals are held regularly.
Do you enable staff to work independently?
1. With us everybody knows what he has to do. We do not need regulations therefore.
2. We have clearly formulated work orders for the employees. Generally the tasks are completed reliably.
3. We have clear aims and a clear distribution of responsibilities.
4. We have an enterprise model which is arranged around teamwork, centre or island concepts which enables members of staff to work independently and outcome-oriented.
How do you assess the commitment and motivation of your employees?
1. The economic situation has a negative effect on motivation and commitment.
2. People do their job, which is enough.
3. Motivation and commitment are good, however, they still could be improved.
4. The employees feel well, they are highly motivated and do an excellent job.
Do regularly team meetings take place?
1. No, it is not necessary, this is regulated by shorter methods.
2. Only in the problematic cases.
3. We try it, at present they are taking place irregularly.
4. Meetings regularly take place at set dates.
Do you have enough time to deal with the strategic development of your enterprise?
1. Not really, we have too much work in our daily routine.
2. We try, however, operational issues are more in focus.
3. We reserve time for a strategic orientation, but would like to deal with those issues more intensively.
5. Management and responsible employees take their time for this.
What is the role of computer technology in your enterprise?
1. No role. The enterprise also works without this technology.
2. I have not thought about it yet in detail. A failure has not happened yet.
3. Partial. There are areas which are unable to work without computer technology.
4. It plays a very large role. Many work processes in the enterprise are carried out with IT.
Which means of communication are used in your company?
1. Telephone, e-mail
2. Telephone, e-mail, internet
3. Telephone, e-mail, internet, mobile
4. Telephone, e-mail, internet, mobile, social media
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